Chelmsford YHA Group


The Monthly Newsletter of Chelmsford YHA Local Group

September 2002

It's a Man-eater!

Saffron Walden hostel gardenWell, what a month this has been. Oppressive heat one minute, torrential rain the next. All this has conspired to create some of the biggest weeds I have ever seen - all sprouting from the fertile soil of the garden at Saffron Walden YH. Our evening barbecue with a "little light weeding" turned into a battle for supremacy with common mallow over 6' tall and thick patches of nettle. We worked up fearsome appetites struggling to clear some space for the plants we'd brought. Luckily Dave P was in charge of the barbi and there was plenty for all. We all got fed, our plants got planted, and by some miracle (in spite of lots of threatening rumbles) it managed not to rain.

Stung and bitten, dirty and aching, we sloped off to the pub for a pint or two we felt we'd really earned.

Saffron Walden hostel gardenSaffron Walden Hostel Garden

We had a pretty successful evening at Saffron Walden hostel - thanks to everyone who came and helped. I was very pleased with the turn out - 11 of us and 4 from Harlow group. Mike the warden was pleased to have some help. We cleared a lot of weeds, mowed the lawn and planted some flowers. Quite good for an evening. (It was pitch dark by the time we finished though!). And amazingly it didn't rain on us; there was a downpour at 3pm and thunder at 10pm but really quite pleasant while we were in the garden.

The herb garden area is very overgrown and we didn't have time for that, so we are going back on Sunday 15th September to do some more. Please come and help if you can!

Dave P.

Cycling to Castle HedinghamCastle Hedingham Cycling Weekend

Jim led another successful cycling weekend, despite the weather threatening a repeat of the drenching we got on the same ride in 1999. In case we do it again in another three years, here are some tips:

At Castle Hedingham hostelKit List for Castle Hedingham 2005:

Top ten items to take next time!

1. Swimming costume - best attire for flooded areas!

2. Spare shoes - to enable drenched shoes to dry out for the next day!

3. Spare inner tube(s) and hand-wipes - to assist bicycle repair man!

4. Ear plugs - if you don't want to be reminded of every hour by the church bells at night!

Castle Hedingham hostel5. Mobile phone - if you lose the group whilst attending to the call of nature!

6. Compass - just in case the sun doesn't come out!

7. Chocolate buttons - for extra energy on the homeward stretch!

8. Pannier rack - to avoid sweaty back syndrome resulting from carrying a rucksack!

9. Sturdy container for any LP records you might happen to purchase en route!

10. 'Cipro', as recommended by Jane, for any stomach upsets you might experience on such exotic excursions! - or, maybe this was for Venezuela, I forget!


Hedingham CastleCycling to Castle Hedingham - The Weather Strikes Again

Gathering at the YMCA on Saturday morning, several of us were remembering the cycle ride to Castle Hedingham three years ago when we were drenched by torrential rain cycling through flood waters. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, the sun came out. With comments of "it's going to be a nice day" and "I forgot to bring my sun cream" we set out in weather that immediately turned grey and within half an hour was drizzling. By the time we got to Braintree it was raining steadily, we were soaked through, and the roads were starting to flood. "Oh no, not again!" we thought, and retreated into the Boar's Head for lunch. As soon as we were inside, it stopped raining and the sun came out! So having finished our chips and beer, and dried out a bit, we set off for a pleasant afternoon's cycling.

cyclingLeaving Halstead, we passed a local cycling in the opposite direction. "Where are you going?" he asked, "Castle Hedingham" we replied, "Oh, you don't want to go there" he said ominously, "they've got flood warnings". But we carried on regardless along lanes rather wet and busy with traffic avoiding the floods on the main road, to arrive in a quiet, sunny and sand-bagged Castle Hedingham, just as the hostel was opening.

The ride back to Chelmsford on Sunday was pleasant… and dry. I think we've finally shaken off the curse of Castle Hedingham! Dave P

Fambridge to Burnham-on-Crouch walk

North FambridgeI'm sure I was not the only one eyeing the ballooning grey clouds with trepidation that Sunday morning, as I packed my little rucksack with Penguin bars and cheese and pickle sandwiches! Arming my resolve with 'You can only get soaked through once' my lift arrived and we sped off to Fambridge and the Ferryboat Inn, anticipating improving weather.

Several members had already arrived at the Ferryboat Inn, but it seemed that the proprietor was expecting a busy lunchtime and we had to park up at the station. The drivers very gallantly volunteered to leave foot passengers with the bags at the pub (and no, we were too early!), while they extended their Sunday walk with a detour back round the meadows.

Clare shows us the sightsThe sunshine held, and we began our walk from the Fambridge Yacht Club jetty after Clare had given us an account about the little house on stilts which could be seen on a nearby mudbank. Tales of rowing back late at night from the pub under starlit skies, and basking on the veranda were very encouraging as we set our shoulders against increasing gusts of wind blowing heavy black clouds towards us. We had walked just too far to retreat when thunder rumbled and heavy sheets of face-stinging rain sliced around us, turning the footpath into foaming squelchy gung. After we scrabbled into our waterproofs, our first instinct was to yank up collars and hoods, bunch up together and stand with our backs to the torrential rain - some distant birdwatcher probably thought we were a colony of penguins! It was here that some of us discovered just how good our waterproofs really were! Fortunately the sun elbowed the clouds away and we managed to dry off a little.

We stopped at Althorne for our lunch break, where we were eyed suspiciously by some of the local boat owners - well, I suppose we did look a dodgy lot, particularly when we all took turns in peeping into the snug little cabin of a wooden boat beached by our picnic area. The little boat's cosiness became more attractive as the light drizzle became heavier, forcing poor little Polly to dive under the said boat's hull while the rest of us tried to shelter where we could - who said that size doesn't matter?.

The changing weather produced some spectacular effects of light over the river and there was much to admire along the way, including what we thought was a bright blue damsel fly.

The group walked through Burnham Yacht Club and on to town, and I think I can say that we were all delighted to find a real Cornish cream teashop along the seawall. The obliging owner found us extra chairs outside and we were able to sit and enjoy drinks and sticky jam scones, in bright sunshine. Unfortunately we were getting so chilled out discussing the quality of our cream tea as we poured second cups of tea that we almost forgot the train times. On enquiry, the station was a 10 min. walk uphill, so our (by now scone-stuffed and slightly puffing) group arrived back to the station with only minutes to spare.

We had a pleasant train ride back to Fambridge which nicely rounded off the day. I really enjoyed the walk and hope the next outing will be as much fun. As a new member, may I just say Thank You to the group for making me feel welcome.

Christine Carter

  Ideas for Next Year

We're starting to put together some plans for next year's trips - suggestions so far for rent-a-hostels in the spring include Eastbourne, Medway and Dorset. If you have other ideas or are willing to organise something, please let the committee know.

Dave J: Update 2

You'll be pleased to hear that Dave Julian is making a steady recovery from his back injury, and after a couple of weeks with his parents he's now able to walk unaided and has returned to Chelmsford to fend for himself. With a bit of luck he should be back at work before the end of August.


Annual General Meeting

Will be held on Wednesday 23rd October 8.30pm at the YMCA, Victoria Road, Chelmsford.

Agenda to include Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson's reports, and Election of the Committee. Written motions for the meeting may be sent to the acting secretary, Jim Dixon

Please send any comments on these pages to Dave Plummer